Headline Heads Up — No. 9

One Tues­day every month, I’m going to round up a cou­ple (maybe a few) awe­some dis­play type­faces to show­case and give a lit­tle break­down on each one. If you have a sug­ges­tion you want me to take a look at, drop me a line. Let’s jump straight into some head­line goodness.


Foundry : Lost Type Co-op
Designer(s) : Luke Lisi
Cost: Name Your Own Price

Slab Serif Typeface with Inline White Space - Homestead Font

Homestead is awe­some because it is a well built slab-serif with plen­ty of weight that lets it real­ly hold a space well. What makes it even more awe­some is a crazy Display style of solid and striped pieces that evokes woodsy, fron­tier maps and Paul Bunyan flan­nels. You can layer end­less com­bi­na­tions as the spac­ing and met­rics are the same across all the styles. Throw in a lit­tle spice of color — maybe some dis­tressed, dusty tex­ture — and you have a knock­out head­line for plen­ty of settings.

Homestead Typeface Example - Layering Options with the word Beards, Slab Serif


Mountain Goat

Foundry : Atlantic Fonts
Designer(s) : Ken Russell
Cost: $19.99

Mountain Goat Typeface - Alphabet Example, Fun Block Type

Straight out of a Dr. Seuss book comes the boun­cy Mountain Goat! Quirky uneven­ness looks like some­one took scis­sors to con­struc­tion paper and the result was dig­i­tized. It is fun and full of child­ish play­ful­ness — per­fect for a birth­day invi­ta­tion or a lemon­ade stand. It is lim­it­ed though with­out hav­ing any OpenType alter­nates to keep things unique, so watch out for repeat­ing let­ter pat­terns that might start to look clunky. Take advan­tage of the exag­ger­at­ed pro­por­tions to real­ly make your head­line standout.

Mountain Goat Typeface Examples - Lemonade Stand and Ice Cream Birthday Party



Foundry : Emily Lime
Designer(s) : Emily Conners
Cost: FREE — $19

Emmy Typeface Alphabet Example - Handwritten, Tall Letters

Sticking in the hand­made realm, the next type­face on this mon­th’s list is called Emmy. It is straight-forward, easy to read, and even a lit­tle cutesy. It gets even bet­ter with the Stripe, Shade, and 3D styles — the last of which is avail­able for free. Like Mountain Goat above, the low­er­case uses exag­ger­at­ed pro­por­tions to give it a sig­na­ture look. Where it excels is hav­ing Regular, Semi, and Bold weights along with ital­ics for plen­ty of options in set­ting a head­line and maybe even a short bit of body copy.

Emmy Typeface Example - Beach-Front Surf Shop, unicase handwriting with 3D drop shadow


Mr. Moustache

Foundry : FaceType
Designer(s) : Georg Herold-Wildfellner
Cost: FREE — $19

Mr. Moustache Typeface - Alphabet Example Unicase Handwritten Inspired

Mr. Moustache shares a lot in com­mon with the above. It has a hand­writ­ten touch with a thin line weight. It has a uni­case style of mix­ing upper and lower case let­ter­forms. It also has great extras — solid and out­line ding­bats, solid and out­line orna­ments, solid and out­line frames. Then come the OpenType lig­a­tures and styl­is­tic alter­nates that put it over the top with options for mak­ing your text real­ly stand out. The ding­bats are free — some of them are shown below — so you should def­i­nite­ly check those out, but the whole pack­age is a deal cur­rent­ly at $39 on MyFonts.

Mr. Moustache Dingbats by Georg Herold-Wildfellner - Simple Line Drawing Icons


Final Mention

The clos­ing note for this mon­th’s Headline Heads Up is an awe­some foundry found via Abduzeedo. Designer Joshua M. Smith works under the names Hydro74 & Legacy of Defeat, but no mat­ter the name — the work is awe­some. Be it illus­tra­tion or font, there is truly insane and unique stuff going on at his web­sites. Below is a quick snap­shot of some of the stuff you’ll see, but I’ll leave it at “You just need to go check this out!”

Sample of Work from Hydro74 and Legacy of Defeat - Black and White Illustration, Black Label Whiskey, The Warriors


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