Ah, the hum­ble about page. This is where you find out I’m a real human being and that this whole web­site was­n’t put togeth­er by some face­less robot hid­ing in some serv­er ware­house wait­ing for it’s moment to strike at world dom­i­na­tion. Why would that robot choose to mas­quer­ade as a graph­ic design­er? I don’t know.

What I do know is that you’re on this page to learn more about me, so let me fill in some of the details with a lit­tle back story.

After a minor fas­ci­na­tion with the idea of becom­ing an astro­naut, I learned that there was this job called “graph­ic design­er” and peo­ple would pay you to know Photoshop and Illustrator and InDesign. You could even get a col­lege degree in it. So I did that in 2008 from Auburn University. Along the way, I learned I was a freak­ing uni­corn since I also knew how to code a website.

From grad­u­a­tion, I jumped into an in-house job get­ting my feet wet “in the real world” of work­ing and day-to-day design­ing. Along the way, I picked up a few pho­tog­ra­phy skills and expand­ed my abil­i­ty to code. I moved back home to beau­ti­ful Mobile, Alabama to chase oppor­tu­ni­ties clos­er to fam­i­ly. I spent some more time in-house pub­lish­ing cat­a­logs and man­ag­ing social media posts.

Now, with a few years and few expe­ri­ences under my belt, I’m strik­ing out in a new direc­tion. I want to help peo­ple enjoy life more. I want to help peo­ple think sus­tain­ably and crit­i­cize sys­tems. I want to help peo­ple real­ize accep­tance and be com­fort­able with less. If you want to be one of those peo­ple, you should total­ly stick around and enjoy some reading.