SpareType Codio Screenshot, coding, terminal, git, scss, css

The Redesign: Part Three

The last post in my redesign series about the site has three key pieces of code that do 80% of the work. One for type, one for lay­out, and one for images. Let the secrets be revealed!

Today will be a good day.

John Henry Müller has the right idea about get­ting moti­vat­ed and being pro­duc­tive — one day at a time. Don’t get over­whelmed by mas­sive to-do lists; keep it clear, con­cise, and simple.

(via Designer News)

Fish Play StreetFighter

Yes, you read that cor­rect­ly. Two fish are play­ing Super Street Fighter II Turbo on Twitch at the moment. And it is as awe­some as it sounds.

The Newberry - Scientific illustration for A Glance at the Physical Sciences (1844), dinosaurs, etching

Newberry Printing History

The Newberry library start­ed a tum­blr to show­case some back­log pieces it is now cataloging.

Headline Heads Up — No. 22

Let’s pick this back up with some wood block type, a brush script, and some hand­made block type. You need dis­play fonts? I’ll show you dis­play fonts!

SpareType Code - index.php, style.css, production.min.js, code view, syntax highlighting

The Redesign: Part Two

Let’s trav­el fur­ther down the redesign hole explor­ing process, think­ing, and tools.

Site Performance Starting Point

Not the best scores in the world, but a good bench­mark for start­ing to improve site performance.

Input Typeface - 168 font styles for coding applications, various coding languages, programming screens

This Week’s Tabs

It’s a short list- but here are the seven things you should know this week about typog­ra­phy and web design.