Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 13

I had this idea the other day for a wide-eyed pen­guin that just stares you down. So now he’s on this mon­th’s wall­pa­per wel­com­ing you into the new year. He needs a name, so leave a sug­ges­tion in the comments.

2012 Web Design Trend - Responsive Design for Various Devices - Laptops, Smartphones, Televisions

What you need to know about Web Design in 2012

As every year comes to an end, reflec­tion and antic­i­pa­tion come togeth­er. If you have a part in the ever chang­ing world of web design, you might start to won­der, “Are my web­sites miss­ing some trick or trend, some tech­nique that would make them just a lit­tle bit bet­ter?” I wan­dered the web a lit­tle Read More > >

Monoment Script Typeface by Måns Grebäck - 1930s and 1940s Inspired Script

A Spare Update — No. 3

With the way the hol­i­days are soak­ing up all my time, I’m going to wrap up this month’s Wall­pa­per Wednes­day and Head­line Heads-Up into one big update post. There’s some­thing for your win­ter blues along with some great sites and great types to check out.

Estelar Alphabet Example - Experimental Letterforms from Pre-hispanic Mexican Architecture

Headline Heads Up — No. 10

Posted one day late­ness, but still chock full of great­ness. This month I’ve found four great type­faces you should check out — one exper­i­men­tal, one dis­tressed wood­block, one hand­writ­ten sketch, and one bub­bly retro. Enough with the teas­er, you know you want to see them.

Fatboy Type Love Wallpaper Preview

Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 12

I hope you love big, hunky slab ser­ifs — (and if you’re read­ing this blog I bet you do.) Take a look at this mon­th’s wall­pa­per and try not to drool over the beau­ty of this fat face in action.

Mountain Goat Typeface - Alphabet Example, Fun Block Type

Headline Heads Up — No. 9

We’ve got a slab serif built for lay­er­ing in this mon­th’s round-up of cool new dis­play fonts that will help make your head­lines real­ly stand out. Add three hand­writ­ing inspired type­faces each with their own twists and you have a full list of cool things to check out.

Falling Leaves Wallpaper Preview - Autumn Leaves, Muted Natural Browns and Oranges

Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 11

This mon­th’s wall­pa­per of browns and oranges with punch­es of yel­low and hints of greens is a nod to the chang­ing weath­er and the changes in the trees. It’s a cor­nu­copia of muted autumn color.

Auburn University Fight Song and Toomers Tree Wallpaper Preview

A Spare Update — No. 2

I’m way behind this mon­th’s nor­mal post­ing sched­ule so I’m going to wrap up this mon­th’s Wallpaper Wednesday and Headline Heads-Up for one big update post.