Patent Print Posters

September 29, 2014 at 1:03 pm

Let’s start the week off with amaz­ing art­work ideas for dress­ing up drab walls. The Patent Prints shop over on Etsy offers posters show­cas­ing U.S patent dia­grams. I would love to have this Lego Mini Figure poster huge in one of the boy’s rooms.

Lego Mini Figure Patent Application - Printed by Patent Prints as White Diagram on Chalkboard Background and Brick Wall

(via WDL)

The Manual

September 16, 2014 at 9:34 pm

Have a look at this the next time your ready for some deep read­ing and crit­i­cal think­ing. The Manual is a design jour­nal that explores what it means to design for the web and why we design. Their first suc­cess­ful Kickstarter put them in print; now they are run­ning anoth­er cam­paign to open up their pub­lish­ing and expand pro­duc­tion to mul­ti­ple platforms.

My favorite arti­cle so far is Practicing Passion by Tiffani Jones Brown. It’s a pow­er­ful, per­son­al look at over­com­ing the fear of medi­oc­rity and find­ing the love for some­thing. *Hint: it’s prac­tice.* It was def­i­nite­ly the per­fect read to keep me moti­vat­ed this week and to keep pow­er­ing through projects. Especially this gem of a paragraph.

If you want to have pas­sion for your work then do what your coach­es told you: set chal­leng­ing goals for your­self every day, work hard to achieve them, and eval­u­ate how you did at the end. Structure it in a way that makes absorp­tion pos­si­ble. Do it, in other words. Then do it some more.
— Tiffani Jones Brown 

Call Me Mix Master Hyphen

September 5, 2014 at 10:45 am

Ready to start a career lay­ing down tracks and record­ing sick beats? (Who isn’t?) Check out Super-Looper to indulge those DJ wanna-be fan­tasies. Now I must get back to wear­ing only one head­phone over my ear.

Today will be a good day.

August 21, 2014 at 1:34 pm

John Henry Müller has the right idea about get­ting moti­vat­ed and being pro­duc­tive — one day at a time. Don’t get over­whelmed by mas­sive to-do lists; keep it clear, con­cise, and simple.

(via Designer News)

RSS Feed Zero

August 1, 2014 at 3:14 pm

I final­ly sat down today and tack­led my back­log of RSS feeds. There were over 1300 items that have been pil­ing up because of a con­fer­ence and mov­ing. After read­ing head­lines and sort­ing through the riff-raff, I have for you the gems of the last week.

Game About Squares — Simple, min­i­mal­ist brain teas­er of a game

Greater Than or Equal To — Wonderful con­cept for a writer’s web­site, exe­cut­ed perfectly

Some details on Github’s CSS by Mark Otto

Chris Coyier pulls back the cur­tain on Codepen’s CSS

Dave Rupert talks about respon­sive web design bloat, then increas­es his site’s per­for­mance. — Have a lot of fonts on your com­put­er? Ever won­der what a word would like in every font loaded on your com­put­er? Boom, prob­lem solved.

VIDE — jQuery plu­g­in for video back­grounds

A visu­al­iza­tion of cre­atives’ salaries from a Designer News survey

Elliot Jay Stocks is con­sol­i­dat­ing his web typog­ra­phy knowledge

A dis­sent­ing opin­ion about Monotype buy­ing FontShop

And we fin­ish with this exple­tive laden video of every Samuel L. Jackson Mother######.

The Pixar Theory

July 13, 2013 at 9:58 pm

Jon Negroni con­nects all the threads and Easter eggs through­out the Pixar uni­verse.

But her love for Sully is, after all, the crux of the entire Pixar uni­verse. The love of dif­fer­ent peo­ple of dif­fer­ent ages and even dif­fer­ent species find­ing ways to live on Earth with­out destroy­ing it because of a lust for ener­gy. And that is the Pixar Theory.

And what would a uni­fied the­o­ry of some­thing be with­out time travel.

An issue some have found is that this does­n’t prop­er­ly explain what hap­pened to humans. I haven’t set­tled on a the­o­ry I real­ly like yet, but I’m lean­ing towards the idea that mon­sters and machines even­tu­al­ly for­got that they need humans and got rid of them again, not real­iz­ing their mis­take until all humans died out, lead­ing to the neces­si­ty for time travel.

Or it’s all coin­ci­dence of reusing art­work and wire frames. I like the the­o­ry better.

(via The Verge)

Livatars — Live Avatars

May 11, 2013 at 1:12 pm

Live avatars is def­i­nite­ly a design con­cept I’m going to imple­ment in my next redesign. Subtle, per­son­al, live­ly. It seems so sim­ple an idea, I’m sur­prised there isn’t more of them out there.


May 10, 2013 at 7:37 pm

Here’s a fun game that has already sucked up an hour or two of my time. Get dropped into a ran­dom Google Street View, look around, then take a guess where you are. You get points based on how close and you get five rounds added up for a total. It’s amaz­ing how sim­i­lar ter­rain can look on oppo­site sides of the world. (via kot­tke)

Geoguessr Screenshot - Google Street View guessing game, Chrome web browser screenshot