Headline Heads Up — No. 2

December 15, 2010 at 2:18 am

One Tuesday every month, I’m going to round up a cou­ple (maybe a few) awe­some dis­play type­faces to show­case and give a lit­tle break­down on each one. If you have a sug­ges­tion you want me to take a look at, drop me a line. Let’s jump straight into some head­line goodness.

Fatquad 4F

Foundry : 4th february
Designer(s) : Sergiy Tkachenko
Cost: $30 USD

Fatquad 4F - Alphabet

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Headline Heads Up — No. 1

November 9, 2010 at 9:06 am

Hooray for the start of a new series! I’m still orga­niz­ing my edi­to­r­i­al cal­en­dar, so I’m not quite sure what the fre­quen­cy is going to be yet. This will be a reg­u­lar post where I show­case and break­down one or two awe­some dis­play fonts I have come across. Let’s jump straight into some head­line goodness.


Foundry : FaceType
Designer(s) : Georg Herold-Wildfellner
Cost: $49 USD

Aeronaut - Awesome Gothic Letters - Alphabet

From the guys at FaceType, this Neogothic type­face is sooo-weet! You can read a lit­tle back­ground on their source mate­r­i­al (an 1879 German font book) and of course buy your copy of the font over at their website.

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