Twitter Bots @badpng and @pixelsorter

October 5, 2014 at 8:45 pm

Way Spurr-Chen built a Twitter bot that will take an image you tweet at it, do some pro­cess­ing, and tweet you back a dis­tort­ed result. Here’s one I sent it.

The real fun start­ed when Way Spurr-Chen sent @pixelsorter and anoth­er Twitter bot @badpng the same image.

The two bots start­ed tweet­ing back and forth, con­tin­u­al­ly pro­cess­ing the results from the each other. After forty-two hand offs, the loop was bro­ken so the two would­n’t go on to infin­i­ty. Here’s what the two bots made together.

I love the idea of robot art. And glitch art can be very cool. It’s very abstract and post­mod­ern. Done right it’s all about appre­ci­at­ing color, tech­nique, and process. People make the coolest stuff on the Internet.

(via The Verge)

Instagram Cleans Up Its Logo

May 9, 2013 at 9:26 pm

Instagram released a cleaned up logo­type last week and design­er Mackey Saturday post­ed some up-close and behind the scenes pic­tures of the work to Dribbble. The best one to me is the out­line view show­ing the tech­ni­cal aspects of using as few anchors as pos­si­ble and con­trol points at 90 & 45 degrees.

It’s a great exam­ple of refine­ment and build­ing on an iden­ti­ty already famil­iar to users. You can see the influ­ence of Facebook’s acqui­si­tion as the type becomes clean­er, more pro­fes­sion­al, and more aligned with their cor­po­rate brand­ing. There’s a lit­tle less per­son­al­i­ty but still enough to keep it inter­est­ing. All in all, a good step.

Instagram Logo Redesign by Mackey Saturday, vector outline anchor points and control arms

Space and Rocket Center

April 19, 2013 at 9:26 am

Sky Rocket - Saturn V at the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama

Went camp­ing in Huntsville last week­end and spent Saturday around the Space and Rocket Center. This would be my artis­tic, inter­est­ing point-of-view pic­ture from the trip.

1954 Cub Scout Handbook

April 18, 2013 at 6:27 pm

Heather made a great find out a yard sale the other day. A 1954 Cub Scout hand­book. The cover is strik­ing and the illus­tra­tions through­out are a won­der­ful exam­ple of the period.

Polaroid Transfer

March 3, 2013 at 1:56 pm

2013-03-02-polaroid_transfer, white building with red trim on textured paper

Cleaning out a stor­age unit this week­end, I found a lot of old work. Don’t be sur­prised to see more of it show­ing up here in the next few days and weeks as I sort through it.