It’s About Time

June 21, 2012 at 9:50 pm

Seems like things have been pret­ty hush around these parts late­ly, but I would like you to know that work has con­tin­ued on in the back­ground. I final­ly got so deject­ed and repulsed with the design of the blog that I start­ed work­ing on a new one. Then, I slow­ly spi­raled down the WordPress theme devel­op­ment hole along with respon­sive design and over­all aesthetics.

I’d like to think its bet­ter because it puts more focus on the con­tent. Let me know what you think or if you find some­thing bro­ken. I tried as much test­ing as I could. I know I have some work to do on my small screen media queries and lay­out, but I had reached a good frame­work and want­ed to go live instead of con­tin­u­ing to toil in obscu­ri­ty with this new theme. I would love some feed­back now that its in the wild.