The First of Many

June 1, 2010 at 6:27 pm

I real­ized the other day that there always has to be a first post. It also does­n’t have to be some ground­break­ing, out­stand­ing thing. It just needs to be a first step. What mat­ters more is what fol­lows. It’s more impor­tant to get start­ed and con­tin­ue to make progress.

Progress has been a long time com­ing. I orig­i­nal­ly devel­oped the idea of SpareType as my senior project for my under­grad­u­ate degree at Auburn University in 2008. I have worked off and on at putting togeth­er a web­site through var­i­ous incar­na­tions and designs over the past two years. Having a per­fec­tion­ist streak cer­tain­ly did­n’t help.

Though the name is SpareType, the site won’t be strict­ly typog­ra­phy. Type will play a part. I plan on releas­ing some type­faces once I learn the nitty-gritty of FontLab and the tech­ni­cal side of OpenType. Mostly, there will be gen­er­al graph­ic design good­ness in the form of vec­tors, tex­tures, and what­ev­er else I feel like explor­ing and pro­duc­ing. I’m also into web devel­op­ment so I’m sure some of that will come into my posts too.

In the mean­time, take a look around and please, oh please, give me any feed­back or suggestions.