On Pixel Perfection

November 24, 2014 at 2:34 pm

So I’ve got two great links deal­ing with pix­els to kick off the week. First up is Pixact.ly — a game for test­ing how well you know your dimen­sions. Given a width and height, how pre­cise can you draw the box?

Pixact.ly Screenshot - Pixel Measuring Game, browser game, pixel, dimensions

Second is The Dead Pixel Society. A group of 1990s-era icon design­ers have reunit­ed to tri­umph the 32×32 pixel can­vas of their youth. Each icon is hand­craft­ed pixel by pixel with the same lim­it­ed, 256-color palette of yes­ter­year. It real­ly takes a video to stress the atten­tion to detail and insane amount of rework­ing it takes to get to a fin­ished product.

As far as my favorite, Benny from The Lego Movie is pret­ty hilar­i­ous. But that might be influ­enced by the fact that I final­ly watched the movie yesterday.

OSX Yosemite Icons

October 21, 2014 at 12:25 pm

I’m still on the fence about updat­ing my late 2008 Macbook Pro to Yosemite. I might wait for the 10.10.1 release for any of the bugs not caught in the beta to shake out. I’m also a lit­tle wary about the type­face changes. But I am excit­ed about the design and the inspi­ra­tion that leads design­ers to cre­ate new things.

For those of you who have already taken the plunge, you might notice some apps still wait­ing for an update to fresh­en up their design or intro­duce a clean­er icon to fit the new Yosemite style. Luckily you can cleanup your dock your­self with cus­tom icons for OSX appli­ca­tions. Here’s a run­down of the best so far.

Yosemite Dock Icons By Jeremy Goldberg

Yosemite Dock Icons By Jeremy Goldberg - Replacement icons for Mac OSX applications


Muir: Yosemite Icons Volume 1 & Volume 2

Muir: Yosemite Icons by Sebastiaan de With


Adobe CC Icon Set by Benjamin Schmitt

Free Adobe CC Icons for Mac OSX Yosemite by Benjamin Schmitt, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Muse, InDesign, Bridge, After Effects


Dots by dradis75

Dots by dradis75 - Mac OSX Replacement Icons, Yosemite, Round Flat Minimalist Icons


Microsoft Office Icons for Yosemite by Jason Zigrino

Microsoft Office Replacement Icons for Mac OSX Yosemite by Jason Zigrino (ziggy19) - Word, Excel, Lync, Publisher, Powerpoint icons


Evernote Field Book by Jason Zigrino

Evernote Icon for Mac OSX Yosemite by Jason Zigrino, replacement icon, field book, notebook


What do you think? Are you dig­ging the new OS or have you start­ed a list of things Apple needs to fix? Should I make the leap to Yosemite — or a bet­ter idea, just get a new Mac. Maybe one of those shiny 5K iMacs? Yummm… *drool* *slob­ber*