Microsoft’s Next Default Font

April 28, 2021 at 12:42 pm

Times New Roman, Calibri, and up next…? Five new con­tenders have entered the ring to be the new default type­face in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other Office pro­grams. Commissioned by Microsoft, their names are Tenorite, Bierstadt, Skeena, Seaford, and Grandview. They are already avail­able to try and use with a swap planned in the future after some feed­back and testing.

Mario ipsum showing Calibri and five new fonts proposed to be the new default for Microsoft Office
From top to bot­tom: Calibri, Tenorite, Bierstadt, Skeena, Seaford, Grandview

(Side shout out to Mario Ipsum for fun test wording!)

I Shot The Serif

November 13, 2014 at 11:09 am

Here’s a fun dis­trac­tion to kill a few min­utes from design agency tothe­p­oint. The first cou­ple of lev­els were pret­ty easy, but once I got to Director I def­i­nite­ly need­ed a mouse over the track­pad. My first play through I scored 250 and then got bet­ter to 275. Watch out for the real­ly thin ser­ifs that start to dis­ap­pear as the let­ters get small­er. Oh, and pay atten­tion to the “Q“s.

To The Point's "I Shot the Serif" Typography Game, Flash animation game, serif vs. sans