
April 22, 2021 at 4:59 pm

This is a post-it note for myself to a long list of free, self-hosted soft­ware solu­tions. Decentralization, inde­pen­dent inter­net, and all that jazz. If you’re look­ing for alter­na­tives to siloed, sub­scrip­tion model, software-as-a-service (SaaS) — give it a look.


April 19, 2021 at 4:30 pm

Speaking of longevi­ty on the web, here’s some nifty open source soft­ware for rolling your own Internet Archive. Archivebox saves URL snap­shots in sev­er­al for­mats: HTML, PDF, PNG, WARC, and more. It can extract a wide vari­ety of con­tent to pre­serve — arti­cle text, audio/video, git repos, etc. You can feed it URLs one at a time, sched­ule reg­u­lar imports from brows­er book­marks or his­to­ry, use feeds from RSS, con­nect book­mark ser­vices like Pocket/Pinboard, and more. Take that link rot!

The bal­ance between the per­ma­nence and ephemer­al nature of con­tent on the inter­net is part of what makes it beau­ti­ful. I don’t think every­thing should be pre­served in an auto­mat­ed fashion–making all con­tent per­ma­nent and never remov­able, but I do think peo­ple should be able to decide for them­selves and effec­tive­ly archive spe­cif­ic con­tent that they care about.

Say WHAT!!! — Three OS X El Capitan Things

October 15, 2015 at 10:05 pm

I’ve been run­ning the new 10.11 for a cou­ple of weeks and have been lov­ing it. Performance seems a touch faster and bet­ter even on my ancient work­horse of a Late-2008 Macbook Pro. I’ve def­i­nite­ly noticed it run­ning cool­er and spin­ning up the fans less often. But three things have real­ly stood out to me that were notable and worth remark.

  1. Flat Beach Ball of Death
    The flat­ten­ing of design con­tin­ues and not even the rain­bow pin­wheel is immune from the trend. Not that crazy, maybe mild­ly interesting.
    Rainbow Beach Ball for Mac OS X Yosemite and El Capitan, flat design
  2. Retractable Menu Bar
    How long has the menu bar been a sacred cow of the Mac inter­face? And now this lit­tle check box. Now that’s crazy.
    Mac OS X 10.11 General Settings Screen - Automatically hide and show the menu bar, user interface, UI
  3. Secure Empty Trash
    Apparently this was­n’t work­ing right so the solu­tion, remove the fea­ture. Say what?!?

Screen Capture GIFs Made Easy

September 2, 2014 at 11:30 am

Holy crap, this is exact­ly what I need­ed the other day. I want­ed to do a GIF of the fullscreen over­lay tech­nique I linked to but the file size was ridicu­lous. Plus it was also a pain doing it the way I knew — QuickTime screen record­ing into Photoshop. I love sim­ple, sin­gle focused soft­ware like LICEcap — though I’m not thrilled about the name. I do love the price though, free.

LICEcap - Screen Capture GIFs, software, record screen, demo fullscreen overlay styles, animated GIF

And it’s GIF as in gift. If it was the other way it would be spelled JIF.
I don’t care what the inven­tor says.

(via DesignerNews)

Folder Synchronization Made Easy

July 18, 2012 at 8:53 pm

App Review : Synkron

I’ve spent the last month or so look­ing at var­i­ous back­up and syn­chro­niza­tion options try­ing to find the per­fect solu­tion. While I use Time Machine as a full back­up solu­tion for every­thing on my lap­top, I now need­ed some­thing to sync just a few fold­ers on a net­work stor­age drive with sev­er­al com­put­ers around the house. I found count­less apps, Automator scripts, even ter­mi­nal com­mands — but every­thing kept com­ing up short. Finally my back­up prayers were answered. The app is called Synkron and it will sur­prise you.

Synkron’s Main Window

Synkron Main Window - App Review - Two way file and folder comparison

Continue read­ing

Firefox 4 Panorama Tutorial

March 30, 2011 at 10:31 pm

Here is a quick screen­cast of the new Firefox 4 Panorama/Tab Groups fea­ture. I think it’s a pret­ty nifty helper for orga­niz­ing things since I some­how wind up with 2 win­dows open with 10–20 tabs in each win­dow. That can get pret­ty crazy jump­ing back and forth and around. Let me know what you think of the video.

I record­ed it with the free ver­sion of Jing and there’s a few things I’m not thrilled about with the shar­ing and stream­ing so I think I’m going to go ahead and step up to some­thing like Screenflow and a YouTube chan­nel for bet­ter record­ing, dis­tri­b­u­tion, and over­all betterness.

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