Instagram Cleans Up Its Logo

May 9, 2013 at 9:26 pm

Instagram released a cleaned up logo­type last week and design­er Mackey Saturday post­ed some up-close and behind the scenes pic­tures of the work to Dribbble. The best one to me is the out­line view show­ing the tech­ni­cal aspects of using as few anchors as pos­si­ble and con­trol points at 90 & 45 degrees.

It’s a great exam­ple of refine­ment and build­ing on an iden­ti­ty already famil­iar to users. You can see the influ­ence of Facebook’s acqui­si­tion as the type becomes clean­er, more pro­fes­sion­al, and more aligned with their cor­po­rate brand­ing. There’s a lit­tle less per­son­al­i­ty but still enough to keep it inter­est­ing. All in all, a good step.

Instagram Logo Redesign by Mackey Saturday, vector outline anchor points and control arms

Headline Heads Up — No. 8

August 9, 2011 at 6:13 pm

One Tues­day every month, I’m going to round up a cou­ple (maybe a few) awe­some dis­play type­faces to show­case and give a lit­tle break­down on each one. If you have a sug­ges­tion you want me to take a look at, drop me a line. Let’s jump straight into some head­line goodness.

FF Screen Logger Cool

Foundry : FontFont
Designer(s) : Kai Vermehr
Cost: FREE

Screen Logger Cool Alphabet - by Kai Vermehr

First up is a great pixel font avail­able for free over at FontFont. It’s actu­al­ly part of a pack­age of free pixel fonts — FF SubVario. There’s a set of six pro­por­tion­al pixel and six mono-spaced fonts. Then three fonts in the Screen Logger fam­i­ly. Screen Logger Cool has the most per­son­al­i­ty in the set main­ly because of its out­lined form. It also comes with a use­ful Back ver­sion for eas­i­ly lay­er­ing two-tone ver­sions. Check out the pack­age to see sam­ples of the SubVario and SubMono, then go ahead and grab it because it’s FREE!

Two-Tone Layering with Screen Logger Cool and Back (Teeanage Ninja Zombie Altered Ego Snapping Amphibian))



Foundry : Dzianis Serabrakou
Designer(s) : Denis Serebryakov
Cost: $49 per style

Appetite Typeface - Upright Script by Denis Serebryakov

Next up is Appetite which is best described as a bold, upright script, sans-serif. Yes, it cer­tain­ly does blend a ton togeth­er and pulls it off extra­or­di­nar­i­ly well. The sweep of the strokes builds great per­son­al­i­ty that is rein­forced by the weight. Given the script influ­ence there are some nice stan­dard and dis­cre­tionary lig­a­tures to enjoy. Then there is an ital­ic if you need to switch it up a bit in your head­line or pack­ag­ing design. Be sure to go check out the font and see how it might work for you, and take a look at the design­er’s Behance page as there is some great work there too.

Appetite Typeface Example - Made Up Wheat Crackers



Foundry : Laura Wor­thing­ton
Designer(s) : Laura Wor­thing­ton
Cost: $75 for the Pro version

Samantha Upright Script Alphabet - Typeface by Laura Worthington

I’m going to con­tin­ue down the upright script path with the lat­est release from the always impres­sive Laura Worthington. You’re going to want to get the Pro ver­sion and its 2,715 glyphs which includes 60 orna­ments, 45 pre-built catch­words, and 2,200 swash vari­a­tions. As expect­ed, every­thing is extreme­ly well exe­cut­ed. The ridicu­lous amount of options will keep you busy find­ing the per­fect let­ters. Here’s just a taste of some of the orna­ments and catch­words in the image below. (And a link to the orig­i­nal image on Flickr because its a nice pic­ture) Buy Samantha Upright Script on

Introducing Miss Monday - Samantha Catchwords and Ornaments


Final Men­tions to Check Out