Don’t Forget to Read This…

August 13, 2014 at 1:43 pm

This is such a good touch, so cheeky and funny. I was culling the myr­i­ad of tabs I had opened when I noticed some­thing odd about one. I did­n’t rec­og­nize the snip­pet of the title “Don’t for­get to r…” Sure enough, when I click on the tab, the tab title changed back to the arti­cle title. Very clever. Now back to actu­al­ly read­ing the arti­cle. (via Invision)

Changing web page title example, Firefox browser, multiple tabs, active vs inactive states

Moqups — Another HTML5 App for Wireframing

August 1, 2014 at 9:26 pm

After my post the other day about, I received a new fol­low­er on Twitter by the han­dle @moqups. That led me to their web­site and it impressed me.

I’m still lean­ing towards because of it’s min­i­mal­ism. I like to have the bones and blocks, then move to cod­ing a work­ing pro­to­type. I would get bogged down in Moqups try­ing to over­work things that I could do when coding.

But if you like to be fur­ther down the user inter­face water­fall — clos­er to a pro­to­type than a wire frame — Moqups is a good solu­tion. It’s quick to setup, quick to add ele­ments in, and pro­vides more options for cus­tomiz­ing and tweak­ing ele­ments. This gets you some­thing more like the end prod­uct. There’s a lot of options that need at least a free account to work; that includes sav­ing, shar­ing, and export­ing your project. All in all a good option for mock­ups, just not my workflow.

Moqups - HTML5 app for wireframes, mockups, and prototypes

Livatars — Live Avatars

May 11, 2013 at 1:12 pm

Live avatars is def­i­nite­ly a design con­cept I’m going to imple­ment in my next redesign. Subtle, per­son­al, live­ly. It seems so sim­ple an idea, I’m sur­prised there isn’t more of them out there.

Unheap — a tidy repository of jQuery plugins

April 26, 2013 at 11:44 am

I know I’ve looked at, played with, or used at some point a lot of jQuery plu­g­ins. Keeping track of old favorites while stay­ing up to date with new releas­es and tech­niques is one of the chal­lenges I always strug­gle with. So I’m dig­ging this well designed, orga­nized data­base of jQuery plu­g­ins com­plete with search, some video demos, and an RSS feed of new entries. Well done, indeed.

Unheap — a tidy repository of jQuery plugins Screenshot - a tidy repository of jQuery plugins, jQuery search, plugin database, javascript

What you need to know about Web Design in 2012

January 3, 2012 at 9:22 pm

As every year comes to an end, reflec­tion and antic­i­pa­tion come togeth­er. If you have a part in the ever chang­ing world of web design, you might start to won­der, “Are my web­sites miss­ing some trick or trend, some tech­nique that would make them just a lit­tle bit bet­ter?” I wan­dered the web a lit­tle bit and came up with the fol­low­ing list of four web design trends that need to be on your radar for 2012. If you are already doing these things — you are an awe­some web design­er, keep up the great work! If you’ve never heard of it — take a look at each fur­ther read­ing sec­tion and make your­self a smarter, bet­ter web design­er for 2012.

1. Responsive Web Design

2012 Web Design Trend - Responsive Design for Various Devices - Laptops, Smartphones, Televisions

The hot topic issue of 2011 was respon­sive web design. Using CSS3 media queries, lay­outs and con­tent can adjust based on width, height, device ori­en­ta­tion, and more. Continue read­ing