Non-Fungible Token

Since I men­tioned NFTs ear­li­er, I want to link two other arti­cles worth read­ing on the sub­ject. Seth Godin weighed in on the traps involved. He also linked to a more in-depth break­down of cryp­to’s envi­ron­men­tal prob­lems by Everest Pipkin. Here I was wor­ry­ing about web host­ing being prob­lem­at­ic while other peo­ple were cre­at­ing car­bon bombs to light up the atmosphere.

Abstraction. Speculation. Competition. So much of our world in 2021 is geared towards indi­vid­ual prof­it over col­lec­tive good. It’s been that way for a long time — real­ly for­ev­er. The innate bio­log­i­cal imper­a­tive of sur­vival con­tin­ues to hold grasp even after lay­ers of con­science. Sure, some cul­tures that value the group have emerged, but we need some species level evo­lu­tion. We need to find ways to make it eas­i­er for us to think about every­one instead of our self.

Screw NFTs. Screw infi­nite growth. Screw unpriced, neg­a­tive exter­nal costs.

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