Rusted Stars Distressed Wallpaper Preview, Grunge Rust and Canvas Texture with Tattoo Nautical Stars

Special Fourth of July Wallpapers

This mon­th’s Wallpaper Wednesday is a spe­cial Thursday, hol­i­day edi­tion. In cel­e­bra­tion of Independence Day here in the States, I’ve got two wall­pa­pers inspired by red, white, blue, stars, and stripes. They’re not over­ly patri­ot­ic by the time I got fin­ished with them. I real­ly grunged it up with the dis­tressed tex­tures. Happy Fourth!

New Mailchimp Design - Dashboard, Email Campaigns, Screenshots, Flat Design

They Call It Flat Design

I would be a hor­ri­ble blog­ger if I did­n’t write about the two-ton ele­phant in the design room right now — flat design. It is the trend, buzz­word, motto, theme, and cliché of 2013. Thousands of words have already been writ­ten about the rise and pro­lif­er­a­tion of flat design, and I’m here to con­tribute a few more.

Bug Feature Wallpaper Excerpt Preview, canvas and bokeh textured computer wallpaper with pixel type and bug icon

Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 22

What do com­put­er bugs, soft­ware fea­tures, a can­vas sack, and bokeh blur have in com­mon? This wall­pa­per of course. It’s a fun mix, so down­load your free copy now.

This Week’s Tabs

I’ve seri­ous­ly got too many tabs open of things I want to share. So here is a quick list of cool, insight­ful, and/or fun things to check out.

Trend Hand Made Slab - Excerpt Preview, Slab Serif Rough Edges Hatched Dropshadow

Headline Heads Up — No. 20

The three type­faces on this mon­th’s dis­play round up include trendy sans and slab com­pan­ions, a black­let­ter with a touch of flair, and an ele­gant — almost Didonesque — serif. Along with a few links from around the web, I’d call this a pret­ty decent post. Definitely worth read­ing if you’ve made it this far and are still try­ing to make up your mind.

Livatars — Live Avatars

Live avatars is def­i­nite­ly a design con­cept I’m going to imple­ment in my next redesign. Subtle, per­son­al, live­ly. It seems so sim­ple an idea, I’m sur­prised there isn’t more of them out there.

Geoguessr Screenshot - Google Street View guessing game, Chrome web browser screenshot


Here’s a fun game that has already sucked up an hour or two of my time. Get dropped into a ran­dom Google Street View, look around, then take a guess where you are. You get points based on how close and you get five rounds added up for a total. It’s amaz­ing how sim­i­lar ter­rain Read More > >

Instagram Logo Redesign - Excerpt Preview, Upright Script Overlays

Instagram Cleans Up Its Logo

Instagram released a cleaned up logo­type last week and design­er Mackey Saturday post­ed some up-close and behind the scenes pic­tures of the work to Dribbble. It’s a great exam­ple of refine­ment and build­ing on an iden­ti­ty already famil­iar to users.