Fifty Two Flag - Excerpt, nationalism, American flag, Union Jack

Fifty-Two States

So I was watch­ing the inau­gu­ra­tion the other day when the news point­ed out the “tax­a­tion with­out rep­re­sen­ta­tion” license plates on the pres­i­den­tial lim­ou­sine. Somehow I also remem­bered read­ing this arti­cle from December about Puerto Rico vot­ing on state­hood. That got me think­ing: What would a fifty-two state flag look like?

Thirsty Rough Typeface by Yellow Design Studio - Excerpt, Distressed Script Font

Headline Heads Up — No. 18

We’re start­ing 2013 off right with three awe­some dis­play fonts that will real­ly make your head­lines pop. And if you love sci-fi real time strat­e­gy games (who does­n’t?) I’ve got a link to play one in your brows­er. Now get to clicking!

Pixel Christmas Excerpt - Red and White 8-bit Snowflakes

A Spare Update — No. 4

The Christmas present alone should be enough to get you read­ing! If not, there’s also some great dis­play type­faces to check out and a few fun links to keep you busy surf­ing the web. Come on in and enjoy a hot cup of apple cider while you unwrap this mon­th’s offering.

Pixel Christmas Wallpaper Preview

Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 20

Get in the fes­tive spir­it with this mon­th’s wall­pa­per fea­tur­ing ever­green tree nee­dles, pixel typog­ra­phy, and an awe­some 8‑bit Christmas wreath. Yes, you read that right — an 8‑bit Christmas wreath. And now you read that twice.

Excerpt Preview - Autumn Leaves and Tree Rings with an Ernest Hemingway quote "You expected to be sad in the fall. Part of you died each year when the leaves fell from the trees and their branches were bare..."

Wallpaper Wednesday — No. 19

Yeah, I missed the month of September. I’d like to say I made up for it by offer­ing two wall­pa­pers this month, but that did­n’t hap­pen either. The one I do have though is a nice reflec­tion on the sea­son of Fall, along with life and death in gen­er­al as is often asso­ci­at­ed with autumn. Enjoy the falling leaves while you con­tem­plate decay and the cycle of life with this fes­tive desk­top background!

Tree Bark Photoshop Brushes - Excerpt Preview

Six Tree Bark Photoshop Brushes

It’s time for anoth­er free­bie of Photoshop brush­es. This time it is six tree bark brush­es. These have lots of tex­ture with some mot­ley spots from the lit­tle bits of moss grow­ing on the trees. All six are large at 1944 x 2500 pix­els and have areas of low con­trast and high con­trast. Check out the post to get the down­load link.

Primus Script Excerpt - Pixel Script Type, Pixel Font

Headline Heads Up — No. 17

Have you ever seen a pixel script font? If not, you bet­ter start click­ing on this post because there’s one inside. There’s also some dog bone shaped type (it’s bet­ter than you think) and a super-fun slab serif. So quit wait­ing around here and check out the post already!

Hipster Pinback Buttons and Magnets Excerpt - Skinny Tie, Moustache, Cassette Tape, Square Rimmed Glasses, Cowboy Plaid Shirt with Pearl Buttons

Hipster Buttons and Magnets

About two months ago, I made this awe­some wall­pa­per with some hip­ster icons. I liked the glass­es, mous­tache, skin­ny tie, and cas­sette tape so much, I decid­ed to make a set of but­tons and mag­nets. And if you are so inclined that you would like a set — maybe because they are flip­ping sweet, or maybe because they are such a great deal at only $8, or maybe because you can’t live anoth­er day with­out show­ing your hip­ster pride in a 2.25 inch cir­cle — you can pur­chase them through the shop.