
English is hard and being a good per­son is even hard­er. Then some stranger on the inter­net comes along and makes it look easy.

Dieter Rams Color Palette for Braun products, oranges, red, green, hexadecimal values

Rams Palettes

Maybe it’s time for some design stuff on this “design” blog. Here’s some sim­ple — dare I say proven — color com­bi­na­tions from Braun prod­ucts designed by leg­endary min­i­mal­ist Dieter Rams.

Dieter Rams Color Palette for Braun products, muted browns and gray, speaker grille

Made by Chad Ashley via Present /&/ Correct

Satire, Not Satire

Goddammit Onion, just burn it all down. Completely rel­e­vant, agree­able, and the best part — offers no solutions.

liv­ing in a social sys­tem based on bru­tal com­pe­ti­tion that made all human rela­tion­ships trans­ac­tion­al and per­vert­ed the very idea of community

Something About The Way Society Was Exposed As Complete Illusion Over Past Year Really Getting Man Down Today
PURELY Social Media Sample, quote, gratitude, enough

PURELY Social Media

Content, con­tent, con­tent. The “secret” to social media is post­ing con­tent. The real secret is doing that day-in and day-out.

PURELY Homepage, Above the fold, Hero header

PURELY Website

A web on the web, PURELY was spread across three soft­ware plat­forms which I pulled togeth­er with design and inte­gra­tions. Would I have cho­sen a dif­fer­ent stack? Yes. But design jobs often have con­straints and you work with those fences to cre­ate the best expe­ri­ences possible.

Beepbox Music Segment, Notes, Chords, Patterns, Rhythms


I don’t real­ly have any­thing to say about this jum­ble of notes. I just want­ed to make some­thing and this is the result. There should prob­a­bly be more thought to it; mind­less pro­duc­tiv­i­ty is the root of quite a few prob­lems fac­ing the world today. I guess tack­ling that exis­ten­tial cri­sis is next on the list.

The Chicken and Egg of Money Creation

Which came first — the pro­duc­tive work or the pay­ment? How about between the dol­lar and the income tax?

One More for the Pile

We made it fur­ther than most dur­ing this pan­dem­ic. Today marks the offi­cial announce­ment that the com­pa­ny I cur­rent­ly work for is per­ma­nent­ly closing.