Website Carbon Calculator, 1000 monthly pageviews equals one tree per year

The Unsustainable Internet

I’ve been try­ing to rec­on­cile the impact on the envi­ron­ment of work­ing on the com­put­er and Internet. Hosting this site means I should be accept­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty of the elec­tric­i­ty required to store, trans­mit, and work on it. Correct?


What’s the polite Southern way of say­ing, “If you don’t have a job, you don’t deserve to live.”

1867 Days

*rants on eco­nom­ics, nature, and the human con­di­tion incoming*

PURELY Catalog Cover, cropped, kitchen counter with natural cleaning products

PURELY Product Catalog

One of the biggest projects each year, the prod­uct cat­a­log need­ed to be per­fect as a pre­sen­ta­tion of our brand. It was also a ref­er­ence guide of infor­ma­tion that formed the cor­ner­stone for sales rep­re­sen­ta­tives in the field. It was my baby from blank slate to 30,000 print run.

Say WHAT!!! — Three OS X El Capitan Things

Three lit­tle things have real­ly stood out to me after a cou­ple of weeks using El Capitan that were notable and worth remark. Here they are.

Foodie Vector Line Icons, detailed outline black icons on white background

This Week’s Tabs [Expanded Holiday Edition]

It never fails that my post­ing fre­quen­cy drops around Christmas and New Years. Winter hiber­na­tion, food coma, what­ev­er it is, I’m shak­ing it off and unload­ing all the cool links I’ve been sav­ing up.

Loading the Dishwasher

In response to a L.A. Times arti­cle, Joe Clark assem­bled a Flickr gallery of dish­wash­er instruc­tion man­u­als. I thought this was inter­est­ing enough to blog because

  1. Somebody, some­where had to design these man­u­als. They made lit­tle dish­wash­er illus­tra­tions or took pic­tures of a “prop­er­ly” loaded dish­wash­er. That’s funny to me.
  2. I have per­son­al­ly been scold­ed many a time for my inef­fi­cient, unortho­dox, and just plain wrong load­ing of a dishwasher.

Dishwasher Loading Manual, upper rack, lower rack, plates, cups, saucers

(via Kottke)

UX Kits — Deck of Cards

Looking for a last minute stock­ing stuffer for that web­site design­er in your life? Maybe you need some­thing to throw in the pile for the agen­cy’s Dirty Santa game? Have a look at this deck of 53 minia­ture play­ing cards for lay­ing out your infor­ma­tion archi­tec­ture and mak­ing con­tent dis­cov­ery more fun. Well designed, nerdy, and func­tion­al - awe­some!

UX Kits Deck of Cards for Information Architecture, Site Mapping, Wireframing, Content Discovery, website components