This Week’s Tabs

August 29, 2014 at 8:10 am

Drew Wilson has an awe­some home­page and tons of awe­some projects to check out.

Totally dig­ging Dustin Hysinger’s logo.

Oh, and his zom­bie thumb stick­ers are freak­ing cool.

A quick look at changes hap­pen­ing in WordPress 4.0 (via Smashing Magazine) Super excit­ed about the changes to the post edi­tor and how it scrolls.

Speaking WordPress, there’s this clean, media focused port­fo­lio theme over at Themezilla that looks real­ly good.

Jake Giltsoff points out twelve ital­ics over on Typecast. Some have empha­sis, while oth­ers have EMPHASIS.

A What If? book comes out next week.

Jamila Hodges has a diverse set of pic­togram icons for free over on Behance.

Fullscreen Overlay Styles

August 28, 2014 at 3:15 pm

I found this book­mark buried deep in some fold­ers as I was clean­ing up ear­li­er. It’s a nifty tech­nique for ani­mat­ed over­lays of a menu or other con­tent. Surely, there’s a CSS only tech­nique for this?

This Week’s Tabs

August 15, 2014 at 7:45 am

Pure CSS par­al­lax scrolling — what sor­cery is this!?!

Countable.js — a 1KB func­tion to add live paragraph‑, word- and character-counting to an HTML element

Harry Roberts has put togeth­er excel­lent guide­lines for writ­ing CSS

I’m pret­ty big into WordPress but I might have to fire up an instance of this Pagekit CMS and give it a try. I cer­tain­ly dig the design.

DesignCuts has a $29 font bun­dle for sale for the next few days. All twelve fonts are very hand­made and roughed up.

Input — a flex­i­ble sys­tem of fonts for cod­ing. 168 styles of width and thick­ness. Free of charge for pri­vate use.

Awesome port­fo­lio of a fel­low Auburn grad — Ryan Lundy

RSS Feed Zero

August 1, 2014 at 3:14 pm

I final­ly sat down today and tack­led my back­log of RSS feeds. There were over 1300 items that have been pil­ing up because of a con­fer­ence and mov­ing. After read­ing head­lines and sort­ing through the riff-raff, I have for you the gems of the last week.

Game About Squares — Simple, min­i­mal­ist brain teas­er of a game

Greater Than or Equal To — Wonderful con­cept for a writer’s web­site, exe­cut­ed perfectly

Some details on Github’s CSS by Mark Otto

Chris Coyier pulls back the cur­tain on Codepen’s CSS

Dave Rupert talks about respon­sive web design bloat, then increas­es his site’s per­for­mance. — Have a lot of fonts on your com­put­er? Ever won­der what a word would like in every font loaded on your com­put­er? Boom, prob­lem solved.

VIDE — jQuery plu­g­in for video back­grounds

A visu­al­iza­tion of cre­atives’ salaries from a Designer News survey

Elliot Jay Stocks is con­sol­i­dat­ing his web typog­ra­phy knowledge

A dis­sent­ing opin­ion about Monotype buy­ing FontShop

And we fin­ish with this exple­tive laden video of every Samuel L. Jackson Mother######.

This Week’s Tabs

November 25, 2013 at 10:06 pm

A new user inter­face — code­named Australis — is in the pipeline for Firefox. Looking good.

#WorkCanWait — find that work/life balance

An easy to fol­low intro­duc­tion to CSS flexbox.

53 per­cent of the time Waldo is hid­ing with­in… (via Kottke)

ish. — a pret­ty sweet view­port resiz­er. Hay! mode for the win. (via Sidebar)

This is a moth­er­fuck­ing web­site. (again via Sidebar)

Need a lit­tle inspi­ra­tion for a badge design? Abduzeedo has pulled a few great ones together.

Adam Mottau — nice, super clean port­fo­lio site

Another sim­ple port­fo­lio site with awe­some inter­ac­tion and ani­ma­tion — Bradley Haynes

This Week’s Tabs

November 9, 2013 at 11:49 pm

BETTER EMAIL BRAULIO from Thundertiger on Vimeo.

Some fun posters, cards, and stick­ers with great type — Fifty Five Hi’s

Type Fight — Two let­ters enter, one let­ter leaves.

Colin Tierney — Awesome port­fo­lio with some great lettering

84 high qual­i­ty scans of wood type alphabets

How well do you know your brand blues? (And other hues)

Harpoon — Freelance finan­cial plan­ning and met­rics looks promis­ing, along with a good newslet­ter to other free­lanc­ing articles.

5 Signs It’s Time to Make the Switch From Employee to Freelancer (via Harpoon newsletter)

Good arti­cle, even bet­ter design. This is web jour­nal­ism tak­ing advan­tage of tech­nol­o­gy to tell a story.

I’m think­ing about run­ning my own Dropbox-style serv­er with ownCloud. Another promis­ing piece of soft­ware to check out.

Christmas is right around the cor­ner, maybe you need some free fes­tive icons.

Two javascript plu­g­ins for draw­ing charts — chart.js uses HTML5 can­vas while Pizza takes an unordered list and pro­duces an SVG

Typesense is a sim­ple, respon­sive and content-centric WordPress theme from Mathieu Mayer-Mazzoli.

This Week’s Tabs

September 17, 2013 at 9:12 pm

Magazines are not dead. Especially when they are well designed. Digest and Codex #3 are great examples.

A great behind the scenes by Elliot Jay Stocks on Digest’s typog­ra­phy & grid.

Two great typog­ra­phy Tumblrs — Type Novel and Type Hunting

What level web devel­op­er are you? Find out at Dungeons & Developers

How about cir­cles in web design? First is cir­cu­lar nav­i­ga­tion from CSS transforms.

Then, cir­cu­lar hover effects from CSS tran­si­tions. (via Veerle)

Glitched out jpegs are total­ly a thing right now. (via Sidebar)

How much money is your mil­lion dol­lar idea going to make you? Find out at What do you stand to make?

I was total­ly look­ing for some­thing like this last year. I did­n’t Google the right key­words. Network Link Conditioner

You can always have more icons. 50 Icon Sets with Stroked Icons via Iconfinder.

This Week’s Tabs

July 30, 2013 at 9:26 pm

Macaw Sneak Peek from Macaw on Vimeo.

Want a quick cheat sheet of CSS3 Animations? Here it is.

Speaking of ani­ma­tion, a nice exam­ple of a fixed head­er bar that scales on scrolling.

A genius UI con­cept, move load­ing indi­ca­tors into the action that trig­gered it.

More code — Slide and push menus that appear from off page.

Even more code — Gridism by Coby Chapple. A sim­ple, respon­sive CSS grid.

Matthew Butterick has pub­lished a web-based book — Butterick’s Practical Typography. Great tips (or reminders) of what good typog­ra­phy means. (via Sidebar)

Another Sidebar find — The Hipster Logo Design Guide. Six steps to the per­fect logo.

Similar advice from Webdesigner Depot — 12 Signs You’re a Trendy Designer. Beware…

Are long shad­ows the next phase of flat design?

Heritage UI vec­tors by Ryan Putnam. Really, you should check out every­thing he does. Rype Arts, Vector Mill, Vectips. Prolific would be a good descrip­tive word.

The most min­i­mal­ist WordPress theme I’ve ever seen — Clutterless by One Page Love

Let’s fin­ish with anoth­er video, Underlight — Ale Paul meets Tomás García by Author’s Bay.