233 Days

July 16, 2014 at 6:12 pm

For shame. I’m glad I’ve never called myself a blog­ger. I’m pret­ty sure seven months and twen­ty days is too long of a break between posts. Luckily, I’ve been work­ing on stuff.

A redesign of the site has been in the works. It’s been a slow process as I’ve also been retool­ing my work­flow. I’m writ­ing a post about that process and learn­ing new things which will go up with the new design. I’ll also have a post break­ing down the design as it includes a re-branding with new logo and focus. A few more final touch­es and it will be ready to go.

Preview of SpareType redesign in progress, home page, new logo, new color scheme

A redesigned SpareType

My atten­tion was also divert­ed from the web­site as I focused on open­ing a Society6 shop for some art­work. It was a great out­let for mak­ing stuff and putting it out into the world, which seems to be a con­stant nag­ging feel­ing I have lately.

SpareType on Society6 - Artwork, posters, t-shirts, phone cases

SpareType on Society6

And then there’s the fire­house of my RSS read­er, that I still need to learn to con­trol. The con­stant inflow of free­bies, tech­niques, arti­cles, show­cas­es, and more is enter­tain­ing and infor­ma­tive. But it does­n’t get work done.

So I’m putting myself on notice. Get more work done. Now, back to work.

It’s About Time

June 21, 2012 at 9:50 pm

Seems like things have been pret­ty hush around these parts late­ly, but I would like you to know that work has con­tin­ued on in the back­ground. I final­ly got so deject­ed and repulsed with the design of the blog that I start­ed work­ing on a new one. Then, I slow­ly spi­raled down the WordPress theme devel­op­ment hole along with respon­sive design and over­all aesthetics.

I’d like to think its bet­ter because it puts more focus on the con­tent. Let me know what you think or if you find some­thing bro­ken. I tried as much test­ing as I could. I know I have some work to do on my small screen media queries and lay­out, but I had reached a good frame­work and want­ed to go live instead of con­tin­u­ing to toil in obscu­ri­ty with this new theme. I would love some feed­back now that its in the wild.

A Spare Update — No. 1

May 26, 2011 at 3:21 am

I read this great arti­cle the other day over on Smashing Magazine and it’s pushed me to work hard­er on some projects I’ve had in the pipes. Here’s a lit­tle update on what I’m making.

I’ve been pick­ing at FontLab — learn­ing the basics and start­ing on some advanced OpenType pro­gram­ming. I’m begin­ning with my very own hand­writ­ing, as I’m pret­ty famil­iar with it.

Handwriting Typeface in Progress in FontLab - Glyph Palette View

The idea is to end up with six to eight glyphs for each let­ter, three or four vari­a­tion glyphs for numer­als, and maybe two or three vari­a­tion glyphs for punc­tu­a­tion marks. Along with some cus­tom lig­a­tures and nifty OpenType pro­gram­ming, the con­cept will be a very nat­ur­al hand­writ­ten font with a lot of fluc­tu­a­tions and ran­dom­ness to best mimic real hand­writ­ing. As you can see from the screen­shot above, I’ve got a lot of work to do and holes to fill in.

The Other Thing I’m Making

Blackletter, Pixel, Type Slugs, and TypographyMy other awe­some project that I’ve put into action is some fun but­tons that I think are pret­ty cool and witty. I’ve put togeth­er a quick online shop­ping cart if you think they’re neat enough that you want to give me some of your hard earned money and get a set. *hint hint wink wink* There’s four reg­u­lar pin-back but­tons and four mag­nets to a set.

Right now, I’ve got the typog­ra­phy relat­ed set and a set with some skull designs. I think I’m going to work out a plan where I release new sets on a reg­u­lar basis and build a big­ger cat­a­log. And of course, some more styling tweaks to the shop­ping cart for more cohe­sive branding.

But as the arti­cle says…

I’m a true believ­er in per­fect is the enemy of good. I could per­fect the design until every pixel is exact­ly how I want it, until every fea­ture and fil­ter is live on the site, but for what? My own per­son­al sat­is­fac­tion? That’s just silly. Launch now, pro­vide value now, and sweat the details later.”

- Michael Aleo

I would like to add to that — “Everything is a work in progress, just like life.”

Bitten by the Beta Bug

April 22, 2011 at 11:42 am

I’ve been work­ing on this site in my free time for what seems like for­ev­er. Things are still not fin­ished. There is func­tion­al­i­ty and design improve­ments still to be made. There is still things to be tidied up in the background.

But I’m tired of wait­ing. I want to start putting myself out there. So, con­sid­er this the soft launch, the pre­view, the beta.

Please bear with me as I con­tin­ue to build and devel­op this site into what I want it to be. Plus, if you have any good sug­ges­tions — pos­i­tive or neg­a­tive, let me hear it.

The First of Many

June 1, 2010 at 6:27 pm

I real­ized the other day that there always has to be a first post. It also does­n’t have to be some ground­break­ing, out­stand­ing thing. It just needs to be a first step. What mat­ters more is what fol­lows. It’s more impor­tant to get start­ed and con­tin­ue to make progress.

Progress has been a long time com­ing. I orig­i­nal­ly devel­oped the idea of SpareType as my senior project for my under­grad­u­ate degree at Auburn University in 2008. I have worked off and on at putting togeth­er a web­site through var­i­ous incar­na­tions and designs over the past two years. Having a per­fec­tion­ist streak cer­tain­ly did­n’t help.

Though the name is SpareType, the site won’t be strict­ly typog­ra­phy. Type will play a part. I plan on releas­ing some type­faces once I learn the nitty-gritty of FontLab and the tech­ni­cal side of OpenType. Mostly, there will be gen­er­al graph­ic design good­ness in the form of vec­tors, tex­tures, and what­ev­er else I feel like explor­ing and pro­duc­ing. I’m also into web devel­op­ment so I’m sure some of that will come into my posts too.

In the mean­time, take a look around and please, oh please, give me any feed­back or suggestions.