Indoor Jungle

April 28, 2021 at 9:57 am

The only house­plants I have right now are an onion, pineap­ple, and two let­tuce stalks that are all re-rooting in water. I’ve been push­ing steadi­ly into veg­etable gar­den­ing over the last year so that I can truly “eat local.” Currently grow­ing are green beans, a cou­ple of toma­to vari­eties, onions, and water­mel­ons. I keep think­ing about bring­ing more of the out­side in. Maybe these two links this morn­ing will final­ly push me to pot some­thing and spruce up my space inside.

Wirecutter has a list of their favorite — and easy to take care of — choic­es. There’s lots of men­tions of low main­te­nance options. What’s real­ly got me excit­ed about the idea though is the new resource site How Many Plants? Amazing illus­tra­tions. Amazing design. Amazing info. Yes, I want my rooms to look like this.

Home office illustration with lots of houseplants, Illustration Credit: Evie May Adams, Copyright: How Many Plants
Illustration Credit: Evie May Adams || Copyright: How Many Plants

(via swiss­miss)