
September 19, 2014 at 1:53 pm

This arti­cle popped up in my RSS feed yes­ter­day and it was too much. Something welled up inside me to fight the evil design in the world in what lit­tle way that I could. I gave myself 24 hours to code a new land­ing page from scratch. (I had to give myself a good buffer because I knew noth­ing was get­ting done last night while I watched the foot­ball game. War Damn Eagle!) Along the way, I cleaned up the infor­ma­tion archi­tec­ture and rewrote some copy.

There’s way more that could be done, but I want­ed to give myself a hard dead­line. By putting myself on the clock, I did­n’t futz around. Nor am I hold­ing on to it because it’s not per­fect. It’s just an unso­licit­ed redesign of a land­ing page — noth­ing more, noth­ing less.

The cur­rent site lives at warioworld.com while you can see my redesign live on my new play­ground space.

Firefox Screenshot of Warioworld.com as it Currently Exists, 1996 web design, my eyes hurt

Warioworld.com Current Screenshot

Firefox Screenshot of Warioworld.com Redesigned Landing Page, unsolicited, responsive, web design

Warioworld.com Landing Page Redesign