Magazine Time Travel

April 12, 2021 at 12:15 pm

I stum­bled into an inter­est­ing — and unset­tling — time trav­el expe­ri­ence this morn­ing. In today’s online, con­stant­ly updat­ing world, when you search for some­thing you get the lat­est updates. Algorithms don’t show you two year old arti­cles when the terms can be found in more recent­ly pub­lished material.

I sat down on Saturday to clean out a stack of Wired mag­a­zines I had been pil­ing up in a when-I-have-time tower. Thanks to pre­vi­ous pro­cras­ti­na­tion and pan­dem­ic time dila­tion, the issues stretched back to January of 2019. As always, the jour­nal­ism was out­stand­ing. Superb sub­jects, won­der­ful writ­ing, delight­ful design. The arti­cle that snagged my atten­tion and pro­duced this morn­ing’s para­dox was The Race to Understand Antarctica’s Most Terrifying Glacier.

Wired Magazine, Cover January 2019. SOS about the Thwaites Glacier, global sea level rise, climate change

Of course it was cli­mate change. Also of note, I had already stopped my print sub­scrip­tion sev­er­al months ago since that’s just more con­sump­tion of paper and trans­porta­tion costs and anoth­er tiny bur­den on resources I can elim­i­nate from my daily life.

It struck me enough to search for Thwaites Glacier this morn­ing and what should I find? A brand new arti­cle pub­lished three days ago. I jumped from we need more data to we have more data in one day. Boom, time trav­el! Unfortunately, it was­n’t good news.

For the first time, researchers have col­lect­ed data from under­neath the remote Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica using an under­wa­ter robot. Findings reveal that the sup­ply of warm water to the glac­i­er is larg­er than pre­vi­ous­ly thought, trig­ger­ing con­cerns of faster melt­ing and accel­er­at­ing ice flow.

It’s been a few years since I’ve watched Waterworld. Maybe it’s time for a refresh­er. Ooh, anoth­er idea. Disney needs to cre­ate a series of Primitive Technology videos with Moana char­ac­ters teach­ing kids the skills they will need to sur­vive in the envi­ron­ment they will inher­it. I don’t think a mag­i­cal water spir­it is going to be there to save them.

(Vessel Photo by Aleksandra Mazur)