Here is Today

May 9, 2013 at 5:57 pm

Want to feel real­ly, real­ly, real­ly small? Step through this inter­ac­tive time scale of Earth and watch today get swal­lowed up pret­ty fast in the grand scheme of things. (via swiss­miss)

Here is Today - interactive time scale of Earth, browser screenshot

A Spare Update — No. 4

December 18, 2012 at 10:23 pm

I start­ed writ­ing this for last mon­th’s Headline Heads Up and did­n’t fin­ish, but here it is now. Feeling bad, I decid­ed to throw in an early Christmas present for those that cel­e­brate. (I recent­ly sort­ed out my RSS and got it loaded into Google Reader so now time just gets away from me as I con­tin­u­al­ly have inspir­ing things to look at and resources to read and eval­u­ate. I guess it’s time to work on some cura­to­r­i­al dis­cre­tion and time man­age­ment.) But here’s to get­ting back on track with a wrap up of awe­some fonts and fun links to check out.



Designer(s) : Pedro Lobo
Cost: €10

Desk Typeface by UPPERTYPE - Alphabet Example, Narrow Shadowed

Desk by UPPERTYPE makes the list this month because it’s a bold state­ment. It does­n’t try to be a lot of things; Desk is built for dis­play pur­pos­es — end of dis­cus­sion. It has upper­case, numer­als, and punc­tu­a­tion. There isn’t a filled in vari­ant, just the shad­owed ver­sion shown.  The nar­row­ness leans slight­ly art deco but the curves and shad­ow update it a bit. Somehow I read both high fash­ion cat­a­log and emo band nos­tal­gia album cover.

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A Spare Update — No. 3

December 15, 2011 at 11:07 pm

With the way the hol­i­days are soak­ing up all my time, I’m going to wrap up this month’s Wall­pa­per Wednes­day and Head­line Heads-Up into one big update post. But first, here’s some other cool things to go check out.

Portfolio Site for Sean Wes
Some great let­ter­ing and all around good type & design.

Print Free Graph Paper
Need a A4 sheet of 1/4″ iso­met­ric graph paper? Print one here along with nor­mal boxed graph paper and other formats.

Portfolio Site for Anthony James Paglia
All around fun design and some nice type projects. (Plus I love the color.)

Icon Fonts are Awesome
A cool CSS trick with icon fonts.

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A Spare Update — No. 2

September 18, 2011 at 9:35 pm

I’m way behind this mon­th’s nor­mal post­ing sched­ule so I’m going to wrap up this mon­th’s Wallpaper Wednesday and Headline Heads-Up into one big update post.

I’ve got­ten behind because it is now September, and here in the south­ern United States that means col­lege foot­ball. As a way of cel­e­brat­ing the start of the sea­son, I put togeth­er some but­tons hon­or­ing my alma mater — as well as our neme­sis. They turned out to be more pop­u­lar than I expect­ed. Get your own over at the shop and keep me busy.

Auburn and Alabama Pinback Buttons - Toomers Corner, Toomers Oaks, Denny Chimes, Tiger Paw

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2011 — Off to a Bad Start

February 16, 2011 at 1:43 pm

Well, I’m a month and half into the new year of 2011 and I’ve real­ly fell behind. I think I’m going to slap a beta stick­er on this thing, go pub­lic with it, and maybe that will force me to stay seri­ous. There’s just so much styling and cus­tomiz­ing that I need to keep work­ing on to get things to the point I want them to be. Anyway, enough with the bitch­ing — let’s get to some actu­al content!

I got my girl­friend some jew­el­ry for Valentine’s Day and it came wrapped in a sur­pris­ing bag that was pret­ty nice. The paper was cheap kraft and the print­ing was cheap and bled a lot but I’m pret­ty sure that’s the point to achieve the look. It has a lot of charm though and def­i­nite­ly fits their vin­tage brand.

Ruche Packaging Bag

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